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EDI: Unlock Your Secret EDI Advantage

By: Pasquale Gatti | July 9, 2019

We want to shed some light on potentially underutilized information in your business, and how to use it to your advantage—EDI.

EDI is, in fact, one of the most untapped areas of a business, mainly because it’s so technical in nature and most organizations don’t have the tools in place to effectively unlock its value or gain any insight from it.

That harsh reality in itself can be particularly shocking due to the fact that EDI plays such a critical role in businesses. In essence, EDI is the glue holding different functions and departments of a business together including its partners. However, it’s extremely complex and costly to manage, which limits anyone’s ability to leverage it to run their business collaboratively as a single team.

“If data is the new oil, then EDI is our most untapped valuable resource.”
– Michael Rabinowitz, CEO of CoEnterprise

Unfortunately, situations like the following are all too familiar for EDI teams:

You want to find out if a shipment was sent out for a recent invoice. But what if the answer is four shipments went out?

When you search for the invoice, it only turns up one of the outbound shipments. How would you know to keep looking for the other two? How would you know when you were done searching?

It’s great to see individual transactions but oftentimes you don’t get the full story unless they’re connected relative to the entire document process.

Luckily for you, there’s an intuitive tool out there that helps you tie together those individual transactions and unlock the value of your EDI—it’s called Syncrofy.

Syncrofy is an easy-to-use solution that empowers you to visualize your entire EDI workflow and make quick decisions in real-time.

You’ll also get notified when there’s an exception that occurs in one of your processes (e.g. a missing shipment or payment).

That’s just one of the many ways Syncrofy enables anyone to obtain quick and easy access to EDI data, allowing you and your team to stay more productive and remain ahead of the curve.

To learn more about the power of Syncrofy and how it can help you tap your most valuable resource, visit


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